Niykee Heaton


There’s nothing like having a whole summer filled with music your ears just can’t get enough of by artists you can’t help but love. I chose my top 10 artists of the summer based on new music being put out, who I personally listened to the most, and of course their vibes! Take a look..

niykeeheaton10. Niykee Heaton: Although not the most upbeat tunes, which you’d typically associate with summer jams, Heaton has so much raw soul in her voice she captivates you just the same. She’s an independent artist with such compelling and beautiful lyrics that relate to so many! I shamelessly had hits like “Champagne,” “Bad Intentions” and “Say Yeah” on repeat for the majority of the summer! Heaton started a movement that can’t be stopped. Fans recognize the acronym NBK as “Naturyl Born Killers” and can show love by purchasing some NBK gear at http://www.naturylbornkillers.comsammyadams

Twitter/Instagram @NiykeeHeaton

9. Sammy Adams: Haven’t heard from Sammy lately? Don’t count him out just yet! He’s making a comeback getting back to his indie roots, coming out with a self titled album coming soon. Surely by now
you’ve heard Justin Bieber’s new single “What Do You Mean” but the song you really need to check out is Sammy’s remix to Bieber’s song, which Adams calls “Why Do You Care” and you’ll be right back to being a complete fan if in fact you got lost along the way. I’m telling you, this song ALONE deserves him a spot in the countdown!

Twitter/Instagram @SammyAdams